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Lucas Till Lands Leading Role in New Lee Daniels’ Pilot

iPOP Alumni Lucas Till has landed a leading role in Lee Daniels’ next major show. As reported by Deadline, Lucas will be joining the cast for the upcoming Lee Daniels’ FX pilot ‘The Spook Who Sat by the Door’. Additional cast members announced include Nafessa Williams (Black Lightning), Nathan Darrow (Preacher), and Tom Irwin (The Morning Show).

Production has already begun for the TV adaptation of Sam Greenlee’s spy novel. ‘The Spook Who Sat By the Door’, tells the fictional story of Dan Freeman a patriot and Vietnam vet. The story follows Freeman, the only recruited Black operative in the CIA as part of an affirmative-action program in the late 1960s. Per Deadline, “After a very competitive selection process, he trains in high-level combat and espionage. However, following this arduous training, this model recruit is rewarded with a post in the reprographics (aka photocopying) department, “left by the door” as a token of the CIA’s “racial equality”.”

As the series has only begun production on the pilot, details on what role Lucas will play and if it will move forward to a full series order have not yet been revealed.

This will be the first project for Lucas following the series finale of his hit series Macgyver. Lucas began his rise to fame at 13, after attending iPOP! LA, going on to land the role of Jack Cash in the Johnny Cash biopic, ‘Walk The Line’. He also starred in the leading role for the critically acclaimed feature film ‘Son of the South’ by Oscar Winner Spike Lee and Oscar Nominee Barry Brown. Lucas’s other major roles include playing the mutant Havock in the most recent X-Men trilogy.

Lucas Till is represented by APA, Tom Sullivan, and Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer.


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iPop promotes emerging talent to leading agents, managers, casting directors, and music industry professionals. Approaching its 16th year, iPOP! takes place in Los Angeles every winter and summer. Performers attend from over 30 different countries. At the event, they work with industry experts and participate in competitions in front of the many agents and managers who are looking for the stars of tomorrow.

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